Friday, February 08, 2008

Five Steps To A Visual Workplace

Here is a link to the Five Steps To A Visual Workplace.

On this one page you see what it takes to create a visual workplace such that even new employees know where they are, what is around them, and what they need to do. A visual workplace provides the information people need, right at the point of need.


Friday, February 01, 2008

Preparing For A VPP Audit

OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) recognizes workplaces that have outstanding safety practices and records. However, even for workplaces with top notch safety records, becoming a member of VPP requires years of effort, including documentation of training and work practices.

One of the major steps in attaining VPP status is the VPP audit. One of the key things a VPP audit will look for is the comprehensive and consistent use of labels and signs--what is called visual communication. Not only the labels and signs required by code, but having a complete visual communication system in place such that everyone can immediately know where they are, what is around them (including hazards), and if action is required, what they need to do.

Most of us are familiar with the need to label pipes and valves such that wherever you are standing, if a pipe is visible you can see a label that identifies the contents, direction of flow and hazard level. However, a visual communication system takes this a step further. For example, the information on each valve would also describe when the valve should be opened or closed.

Be prepared for your VPP audit by setting up a VPP Labeling Cart that has all the supplies needed to make the labels and signs your facility needs. A VPP cart should include a label printer, such as the DuraLabel PRO, a PC to keep track of the labels and signs in your visual communication systems, all of the needed labeling supplies, including sign blanks and valve tags, and any other materials or supplies that might be needed such as plastic ties, scissors, a knife, tape and other tools.

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